1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
- Discuss how your music video follows conventions. You could give examples from real media texts and discuss how these then influenced yours.
(Point out parts in our music video and compare the relation with inspirational music videos) *do this by having an interview scenario with Jenny, as the music artist, and talking as though she has expressed her ideas to the producer and also interview the producer to show how they have applied these ideas, methods and techniques* cut to inspirational videos.
- Discuss how you developed conventions. Were the conventions you used then developed further or adapted?
(Point out parts in our music video and compare the relation with inspirational music videos) *do this by having an interview scenario with Jenny, as the music artist, and talking as though she has expressed her ideas to the producer and also interview the producer to show how they have applied these ideas, methods and techniques* cut to inspirational videos.
- Discuss how you challenged typical conventions of music videos within your chosen genre. Did you attempt to include other elements to make your product stand out from the rest?
(Point out parts in our music video and compare the relation with inspirational music videos) *do this by having an interview scenario with Jenny, as the music artist, and talking as though she has expressed her ideas to the producer and also interview the producer to show how they have applied these ideas, methods and techniques* cut to inspirational videos.
- Consider music video theory to support your judgements about your work.
(Point out parts in our music video and compare the relation with inspirational music videos) *do this by having an interview scenario with Jenny, as the music artist, and talking as though she has expressed her ideas to the producer and also interview the producer to show how they have applied these ideas, methods and techniques* cut to inspirational videos.
- Discuss how you challenged typical conventions of music videos within your chosen genre. Did you attempt to include other elements to make your product stand out from the rest?
(Point out parts in our music video and compare the relation with inspirational music videos) *do this by having an interview scenario with Jenny, as the music artist, and talking as though she has expressed her ideas to the producer and also interview the producer to show how they have applied these ideas, methods and techniques* cut to inspirational videos.
- Consider music video theory to support your judgements about your work.
(Talk about the theories and theorists which apply to our video) *do this by interviewing the producer talking about how and why they applied certain theories.
2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? ( To answer this question we will take images of and from our products and uses a voice over to put it together into final cut to make a visual video and audio piece to answer this question.)
- Consider the brand identity of your products. (The relation of the brand identity and theme within the products and our logo etc.)
- Deconstruct your ancillary texts and discuss how you used conventions. (identify the conventions step by step to help build up the professional look to our products)
- Discuss how your ancillary texts reflect the themes/narrative of your video. (discuss the theme of the the products we have created by identifying strong conventions an how everything reflects)
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? (continue the interview scenario, but from the audiences point of view as well as the producers )
- Gather audience feedback from various sources – eg. social networking, focus groups.
(Gather research from a focus groups, have a possible two groups one that is a focal target audience and one that is a non related audience and get feed back from both groups. Possibly have a discussion with both groups together and see how there ideas reflect or rebel from one another.) *show parts of the video as they mention it*
(Gather research from a focus groups, have a possible two groups one that is a focal target audience and one that is a non related audience and get feed back from both groups. Possibly have a discussion with both groups together and see how there ideas reflect or rebel from one another.) *show parts of the video as they mention it*
- Discuss the feedback you have received – what worked well? Were there any areas which you need to focus on in the future? give this point from the producers point of view, as though we are thinking of new ideas for improvement from the feed back we have received from the focus groups.
- You could also link in some audience theory. Consider Stuart Hall (encoding/decoding).
Our theme is to portray the conventions of a strong female character, leading other females through life. We have set the video with a 50's theme to it, which also conveys how females of this age are not always classified as a typical house wife and it shows how female lives have changed over time . Preferred- This is our theme and the preferred theory is if the target audience agree to our theme.
Negotiated- This is if the target audience agree with our theme but also give there own input to the theory.
Oppositional- This is if the target audience go completely against our theory.
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? (use screenr to answer this question)
- Consider all of the technologies you have used for all aspects of your production.
(introduction to this question using a powerpoint to state the softwares we have used , Why we chose to use them and how they have helped us to make our products in comparison to others.)
- Detail the exact features of the software you used and give an example as to where you used these in your products.
(use screenr to record examples of us editing our work and record a voice over to state what we are doing at each point.)
(introduction to this question using a powerpoint to state the softwares we have used , Why we chose to use them and how they have helped us to make our products in comparison to others.)
- Detail the exact features of the software you used and give an example as to where you used these in your products.
(use screenr to record examples of us editing our work and record a voice over to state what we are doing at each point.)
Each question must be presented using one of the following methods:
- Your Prezi must include images and embedded youtube video to exemplify points made. Make sure you set a motion path so that the examiner can be guided through your answer.
- Make your presentation interesting by using lots of images to exemplify points made.
- Include video clips, titles and images to add interest to your video and exemplify points made.
Level 4 16–20 marks
There is excellent skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the evaluation.
There is excellent understanding of the forms and conventions used in the productions.
There is excellent understanding of the role and use of new media in various stages of the production.
There is excellent understanding of the combination of main product and ancillary texts.
There is excellent understanding of the significance of audience feedback.
There is excellent skill in choice of form in which to present the evaluation.
There is excellent ability to communicate.
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